Faculty Members (alphabetically)
Research Interest:
* Implantable Microsystems
* Biomedical Signals, Circuits, and Systems
* Integrated Circuits (ICs)
Office: LAS 2014
Phone: +1(416)736-2100 Ext.70117
Email: sodagar@eecs.yorku.ca
Research Interest:
* Biologically inspired integrated sensors and actuators
* Integrated circuits and microfluidics
Office: LAS 1012D
Phone: (416) 736-2100 X44646
Email: egz@eecs.yorku.ca
Research Interest:
* Microfabrication
* Semiconductor devices
* Printed electronics
* Additive manufacturing
Office: LAS 2010
Phone: +1 416 736 2100 x70127
Email: grau@eecs.yorku.ca
Research Interest:
* Analog and Mixed Signal Integrated Circuit (IC) Design
* Low Power Implantable/Wearable Systems-on-Chip (SoC)
* VLSI Signal Processing
* Wirelessly-Powered Medical Sensory Systems
Office: LAS 2018
Phone: 416 736 2100 x 77874
Email: hossein@eecs.yorku.ca
Research Interest:
* Zero-power wearable wireless biomedical sensors
* Miniaturized biomedical instrumentations
* Ultra low power biomedical circuits and systems
* Signal processing
Office: LAS 1012C
Phone: (416) 736-2100 x 44647
Email: peterlian@cse.yorku.ca
Research Interest:
* Analog/digital CMOS for molecular sensing / DNA sequencing
* VLSI for machine learning
* Hardware acceleration for biomedical and communications
* CMOS front-ends for wireless and wireline
Office: LAS 1012B
Phone: 1-416-736-2100 x44652
Email: magiero@eecs.yorku.ca
Research Interest:
* Electron and heat transport in nanoscale materials and electronic devices
* Hard magnets for magnetic recording
* Optical pump-probe techniques for heat transport and materials characterization
* Nanoscale carbons
* Magnetism and magnetic materials
Office: LAS 1012H
Phone: (416)736-2100 x 77885
Email: pisana@eecs.yorku.ca