MDC Lab Announcement
In order to keep the desktops maintained and secure, the desktops will be reboot on every Saturday between 3:00 am to 5:00 am to install the updates. Please make sure, there will not be any user activity during this time and all running programs will be aborted. Thanks for your cooperations.
Work Stations
TS150 manual probe station | TS200‐SE Analytic Probe Station
TPT HB16 wire bonder
PACE TF1800 rework station
Wideband Scope Infiniium DSA91304A | Rohde & Schwarz RF Signal Generator (SMB 100A) (40 GHz) | Agilent 81134A Pulse Pattern Gen. | Agilent E3630A (3‐ch Power Supply) | TTi MX100T DC Power Supply Triple Out.
Tek MDO/MSO 3024 (4+16, 200MHz) | Agilent E3630A (3‐ch Power Supply) | TTi MX100T DC Power Supply Triple Out. | Arb waveform generator (Keysight 33500B) | Keithley 2110-120 Digital Multimeter | Keithley Source Meter 2602B | KH7008 low noise preamplifiers
Keithley 4200 SCS Parameter Analyzer
Tek MDO/MSO 3024 (4+16, 200MHz) | Agilent E3630A (3‐ch Power Supply) | TTi MX100T DC Power Supply Triple Out. | Arb waveform generator (Keysight 33500B) | Keithley 2110-120 Digital Multimeter | SRS 780 spectrum analyzer | KH7008 low noise preamplifiers
PNA‐X Microwave Network Analyzer | Agilent N5172B (Vector Signal Gen.) 6GHz | Keysight MSOX3104 | Agilent E3630A (3‐ch Power Supply) | TTi MX100T DC Power Supply Triple Out.
Agilent 16852A Logic Analyzer | Keysight MSOX3104
* Agilent E3630A (3‐ch Power Supply) | TTi MX100T DC Power Supply Triple Out. | Agilent 34401A (Multimeter) | Arb waveform generator (Keysight 33611A)
Tek MDO/MSO 3024 (4+16, 200MHz) | Arb waveform generator (Keysight 33611A) | Agilent E3630A (3‐ch Power Supply) | TTi MX100T DC Power Supply Triple Out. | Agilent 34401A (Multimeter)